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Parish School of Religion (PSR)

Every Sunday during the school year, our youth get together to delve deeper into their Catholic Faith. PSR begins each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. with some fellowship and breakfast items prior and classes begin at 10:00 p.m. PSR prepares them for Mass each Sunday which directly follows class beginning at 11:00 a.m.

The PSR program consists of four different groups; pre-school, first communion prep., youth, and confirmation prep. Below is a description of each of the different groups and what the goal for each group is.

Our PSR programs are under the direction of Elva Weber and Annastasia Morris (Director of Religious Education).

We just wrapped up the 2021-2022 PSR year! Next year will begin in September 2022. More information will be posted as we get closer.

PSR Classes


This group is for children from ages 3 to 6. In this group, students focus on the very basics of understanding the Catholic faith which will provide them with a solid foundation as they move toward preparation for their First Communion.

Group leader: Kara Weber

First Communion Prep.

This group is for children from age 7 to 8. Our First Communion prep curriculum is a two-year program during which the students learn about the sacrament of reconciliation during the first year and focus on the sacrament of the Eucharist during the second year.


Group leaders: Jennifer Ogden (Eucharist) and Annastasia Morris (Reconciliation)

Elementary School

This group is for children who have completed their First Communication but are not yet ready for confirmation. The students range from grades 3 to 5. In this group, the students focus on learning how to live the Catholic faith in their everyday life. Fresh off their First Communion preparation, the students also work to reinforce the concepts learned as they prepared to receive the Eucharist.


Group leader: Michael Pommier


This group is for middle-school-aged children who have completed their First Communion and are ready for confirmation. In this group, students focus on reinforcing the concepts learned thus far as well as learning acts of charity and service.


Group leader: Rebecca Boyer

Youth Group

This group is for children who have completed their confirmation. In this group, students continue to build on the fundamentals they have learned, work on how to apply their faith in real-life situations, and work on various service projects in the parish and community. 


Group leader: Adrianne Rogers

Adult Education

Religious education is important for all of us and it doesn't stop after high school. This group is for adults who want to continue learning about the faith.  


Group leader: Elva Weber

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

This group is for those adults who are not Catholic or were baptized Catholic but never went through the Sacrament of Confirmation. This group is for those adults who wish to enter fully into the Catholic Church.


Group leader: Elva Weber and Fr. Pat Teter

Catechism in the class and at home

While we have a PSR program that we are proud of, we cannot do it alone. Religious education is best when the lessons taught in class are reinforced and built upon at home. Please take a few minutes to learn more about being a catechist at home.

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